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Thursday, 31 October 2013

How To Revive A Dried Up Mascara

Recently I have had loads of you lovely people contacting me, asking how to prevent your mascara from hardening so soon after purchasing it.

Much like you all, I have this problem to and it always seems to happen as you are getting ready for a big night out, typical!

Often it depends on what mascara you are using because some are prone to hardening quicker than others. However my top tip for this Thursday is to place your mascara in a bowl of boiling water for a few minutes. This causes the liquid to soften in the mascara and to become a thinner consistency, making it easier to apply.

Be sure that the lid is securely tightened to ensure that no water gets into your mascara because as we all know it can be extremely expensive to replace.

Should your product still be dry, then add a drop of baby oil to the mascara. This softens it and should really prolong its shelf life and return to its creamy former self.

So next time your mascara dries up, don't throw it away! Simply revitalise your product with this simple method.

I really hope that this advice is useful! Please keep your queries coming. Lots of love, Kenzie xxx

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Pin Up Inspired Make Up

When going out for an evening, there is nothing I love more than the classic pin up inspired look. Winged out liner adds a feminine feel to any makeover and how can you go wrong with those gorgeous statement red lips?

When trying this look out for yourself, the best advice I can give is to keep the eyes very natural. It's a personal rule of mine to never do lips and eyes! You want to focus on one or the other, in this case, the lips.

To demonstrate this lovely look, I did the very gorge Becca Peppiatt's make up.

After carrying out a foundation routine and priming the eye area, I applied a nude base all over the lids using my MUA Heaven and Earth eyeshadow palette. I then used a slightly darker shade (but still very natural) on the outer half of the lid.

To finish the eyes I simply added liquid eyeliner and mascara. I was fairly scarce with the mascara because I wanted all of the attention on Beccas lips. When applying too much mascara the eyes can look unnatural and I didn't want this for this very girly classic look.

To complete those stunning apple red lips, first begin by distributing balm all over the lips. This will keep them hydrated and ensure that the colour is even. I used the Rimmel Kate Moss lip stick. (shade red 01) I applied this all over the desired area! Finally, I added a sheer gloss to the lips to give them a beautiful shine!

I hope you love this look, here's Becca working it!

Let me know how you get on beauty's. Lots of love, Kenzie xxx

Sunday, 27 October 2013


So it's Sunday, our last day of freedom before the harsh reality that is other wise know as Monday comes back around.

If like me, your day has consited of snuggling up by the fire, fresh faced after eating the worlds biggest roast then you will probably have time to squeeze in a quick skin care procedure! 

These three quick and easy steps should leave you feeling revitalised and ready for the week ahead.

1. STEAM - Steaming your face opens pores and loosens any existing blackheads.

First, fill a bowl with boiling water and add some lemon juice. Position your face over the bowl and hold a towel over your head to keep all of the steam in for maximal results! Follow by cleansing and rinsing with cool water to close your pores. I love the Shiseido pureness deep cleansing foam. It is amazing! It helps reduce blemishes and leaves my skin feeling so smooth.

2. SOOTHE EYES - To reduce tired eyes after a long week, slice a cucumber into thin slices and place on each eye lid for 10-15 minutes. Cucumber contains anti-inflammatory properties so can soothe irritated and red skin.

3. MOISTURISE - To feel completely refreshed, moisture your whole face and remember not to neglect your neck! This area is prone to dryness and is very often left out. I love the Shiseido pureness mattifying moisturiser. Much like the foam, it is great for sensitive skin and I really couldn't recommend it more highly!

Lots of love, Kenzie xxx

Saturday, 26 October 2013


Here's one for the gentlemen! With Movember fast approaching, men everywhere are preparing to groom and grow their most impressive moustaches in order to raise both awareness and funds for prostate and testicular cancer and mental health.

The mo growing journey begins on the first day of November and continues throughout the remainder of the month. However there are some rules to follow! (Taken from the official Movember website.)

1. Participants, also known as mo bros, must begin the 1st of November with a clean shaven face.
2. For the entire month each mo bro should grow and groom a moustache.
3. There is to be no joining of your mo to the side burns.
4. There is to be no joining of the handlebars to your chin.
5. Each mo bro must conduct himself like a true gentleman.

If you're lacking inspiration, then here is a style guide for the perfect mo!

Those wishing to take part can sign up HERE!

And remember, don't mo alone. Lets face it, we all have that friend who seems to grow facial hair faster than you can say Movember, so get them involved and help change the face of men's health.

So let the countdown begin, 5 more days to go. Good luck mo bros!

 Lots of love as always, Kenzie xxx

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Gold Glitter Make Up - Before and After

To show you the effects of the Diorshow Fusion Mono that I wrote about in my previous blog, I did my gorgeous friend, Marli Todd's make up!


I applied this product all over the eyelid and below the lower lash line to create an extra dazzling outcome.

You can really see the gorgeous shimmer effect that this product provides.

I teamed this with gold dust, a gold eyeshadow, natural lips and liquid eyeliner.

I hope you love this stunning look. Lots of love, Kenzie xxx

Monday, 21 October 2013

Diorshow Fusion Mono

My latest make up purchase was the Diorshow Fusion Mono. This is a gorgeous eyeshadow like no other, its gel-foam consistency allows a lightweight application and ensures a long lasting finish.

It can be applied in one of two ways. Firstly, by using your fingertips for a subtle shimmer outcome or for a more dramatic look by using an eyeshadow brush.

I chose the shade météore because it can be added to natural colours and light browns to create a stunning day time look. However, when it is intensified it gives a much more extreme finish, perfect for an evening.

I'm also a huge fan of the lune colour! This would make a wonderful base for any eyeshadow. There are several other shades to choose from, shown below.

I couldn't recommend this product more highly! Although a little pricey (£23.50) they last an extremely long time as only a small amount of the product is required to create the desired finish. 

Lots of love, Kenzie xxx

Saturday, 19 October 2013

Britney Spears Fantasy Eau de Parfum

The last thing I do before I leave the house after getting ready is spray my perfume.

Finding an aroma that you love can sometimes be a difficult task when there are so many to choose from! I like to differentiate between daytime and evening fragrances. I tend to favour lighter, sweeter scents throughout the day. 

So I thought I'd share with you my current favourite budget fragrance, Fantasy by Britney Spears.

The smell is extremely long lasting, leaving you feeling fruity and fresh throughout the entire day.

Fantasy also comes in a gorgeous and extremely feminine bottle. It's fuchsia, embedded with swarovski crystals. What more could a woman ask for?!

Boots are currently offering a super fab deal for one week only! The current deal is £12.50 for a 50ml bottle. (Original price - £25.53) Click HERE to view this offer.

Have a wonderful Saturday! Lots of love as always, Kenzie xxx

Friday, 18 October 2013

Picture Proof: Lancôme Hypnôse Star Mascara

In one of my most recent blogs, I spoke of my love for the Lancôme Hypnôse Star Mascara! (Click HERE to view.) As promised, here are the incredible effects of this simply dazzling product.

Along with the classic before and after shots, I thought that I would first post a picture of myself with one completed eye and the other without any mascara. This will hopefully demonstrate the stunning transformation that this item allows. 

I have chosen to put the pictures into black and white because it particularly accentuates the lashes to show you the visible difference between both of my eyes. (Please excuse the selfie!)

Here are before and after pictures.
Finally, here is the completed look! 
Can't wait to hear what you all think! Lots of love, Kenzie xxx

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Martine Wester Nails Inc & Ring Sets

With Christmas right around the corner, the pressure to complete our festive to do list is increasingly imminent. At the top of this list, of course, is prezzies.

Martine Wester is offering an irresistible deal, including a glossy nails inc varnish and a beautiful cocktail ring. This sale is retailed at £45 but is currently available for an absolutely amazing...wait for it...£10!!! How could you possibly refuse?

These must have Martine Wester rings come in a range of different designs and colours, from a ruby red cluster ring set to my personal favourite blush sweetheart ring set with the polish to match. So your hands will be wonderfully coordinated!

Ruby red cluster ring set
Blush sweetheart ring set

With an adjustable ring size and a gorgeous packaging, this gift set would make the perfect present for any fashionable female this season.

Click HERE to view all of the available colours and designs. Lots of love, Kenzie xxx

Monday, 14 October 2013

Lancôme Hypnôse Star Mascara

Happy Monday my lovely readers! To kick off the week I thought I'd share my favourite mascara with you all for 'mascara Mondays!'

At the moment I am obsessed with Lancôme's Hypnôse Star. (£22.00) Click HERE to view this product.

If you are looking for seriously intense volume and gorgeous curled lashes then this is the mascara for you!

Unlike so many other mascaras, this beautiful product doesn't clump leaving your eye make up looking thick and unnatural but instead allows perfect separation between your lashes.

It also gives a sexy and particularly feminine look with its spectacular curl! (The dual-effect brush is responsible for this.) The round sides of the brush creates the curl in the lashes and the straight sides intensifies the volume.

I have personally found this mascara so reliable because it doesn't smudge under my brow line or drop onto my cheeks. It gives a beautiful finish to any look, whether it be daytime or evening and it really makes my eyes stand out with its lengthening properties.

I'll post a follow up blog within the next week, with pictures of the stunning effects that this mascara creates!

Have a super day!! Lots of love, Kenzie xxx

Friday, 11 October 2013

Liebster Awards

Hello you gorgeous bunch,
Firstly, TGIF!!! Secondly, I am so happy and honoured to share with you that I have been nominated for the Liebster awards! For those of you who aren't familiar with the realms of the blogosphere, this award is given by bloggers to other bloggers who they feel are most deserving of a little recognition. This helps new and upcoming writers to establish themselves within the blogging community.

I was nominated by the very lovely Rebecca White, a fellow beauty blogger! Rebecca has created a list of 10 questions for me to answer, so here we go!

1. Who or what inspired you to create your blog?
I have always had a passion for journalism and fashion writing so I thought that starting a blog was the perfect way to put that into practise!

2. Fashion or make up? You have to pick one!
This is such a tricky question to answer because both are so important! But for me personally, I would have to say make up. I think you could be wearing the most incredible outfit in the world but if you don't feel confident in yourself then you won't enjoy what you are wearing. Whereas, I could go out in my pj's and still feel great if my make up was done!

3. What has been the best advice you have ever been given?
Do what makes you happy. Be with who makes you smile. Laugh as much as you breathe and love as long as you live.

4. How long does it take you to get ready for A) a night out and B) in the morning?
A) For a night out I always try to look my best. I'm a typical girly girl and I love getting done up. I would usually allow myself about 2 hours to get my nails, hair and make up done! Although, half of this is usually spent trying to pick out an outfit!
B) During the day I always opt for a natural look. I sometimes have those days when I think, 'I won't wear any make up today.' But other days I feel like making a bit more of an effort. So I would say on average I would spend about 30 minutes getting myself ready in the morning.

5. What do you hope to gain from your blog?
I hope that along with developing my writing ability I can spread a little bit of fashion and beauty love, whether it be to my friends and family or alternatively people I haven't had the pleasure of meeting!

6. What is on your bucket list?
I'm a big dreamer so there is so much that I would like to do in my lifetime, but I would absolutely love to have my own chat show!

7. What is your ideal 'me-time' routine?
I absolutely love spending time with the people I love most. Nothing beats a night in with my family with a serious amount of sugary treats and a movie!

8. If you had to live somewhere for 3 years, where would it be? 
London!! Its close to home, its always buzzing, I love the fashion there and the opportunities are endless.

9. What is your current occupation?
I am a full time student studying Multimedia Journalism and I work in Hollister in my spare time!

10. Where do you see yourself in a years time?
I am currently in my first year of university, so I will still be studying! But I will be working my hardest to achieve my dream of becoming a TV presenter!

Here is a list of my beautiful nominees! I have chosen you guys because I love your content and think you all have so much potential!

Here are my questions for you lovely lot! 
1. What inspired you to start out on the blogging scene?
2. Who is your style icon and why?
3. Would you rather have a fashion line or a beauty range?
4. Who is your favourite designer?
5. If you could only take 3 beauty products to a desert island, what would they be?
6. What is your top beauty tip?
7. High fashion or editorial?
8. What is your favourite highstreet shop and why?
9. Who inspires you most in the world?
10. Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?  

The Rules:
1. The Liebster award is given by bloggers to other bloggers who have less than 200 followers.
2. Each blogger should answer the questions that are asked by the person doing the nominating.
3. Choose 5 new bloggers to nominate for this award and link them in your post.
4. Create ten new questions for your nominees.
 5. Inform each nominee that they have been nominated
6. Thank and link the blogger who nominated you in your post!

I'm so excited to hear your responses! Lots of love, Kenzie xxx

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Sienna X Spray Tanning Review

As the temperature plummets, replacing our mild summer weather with cold winds and potentially snow, it's safe to say that we've seen the best of the sun for a while!

I recently wrote about my love for St Tropez! However, I'm actually in the middle of a fake tan love triangle because I'm also a huge devotee to Sienna self tan.

When I have a big occasion coming up, I'm prone to treating myself to a spray tan! It's so quick and easy and gives you a gorgeous, all over colour! 

Unsurprisingly, Sienna is the UK's market leader in sunless tanning! It's enriched with amazing ingredients such as aloe Vera, so the product doesn't just tan your skin but it also nourishes it.

Before getting a Sienna spray tan, it's recommended that you shave 24 hours in advance or 48 hours if waxing. 

I also advise that you use the Sienna X polishing body scrub prior to your self tan to remove any impurities in the skin to ensure an even application. This product contains lemongrass to soften the skin and leave it looking beautifully radiant. When applying this product, pay particular attention to dry areas such as your knees and elbows. This will avoid any streaks.

After getting your Sienna spray, I suggest that you try their radiance body balm. This excellent moisturiser helps to prolong and enhance your tan for anything up to a week. I love it because it's non greasy and leaves my skin feeling so soft! (As well as optimising my new colour!)

I am so lucky to have such an incredible tanning and beauty salon in my local area! Studio 29 is 100% one of my favourite places in the world, with its flawless treatments and super lovely staff, you are guaranteed to leave with a smile on your face! (Not forgetting your perfect Sienna spray tan!) I honestly couldn't recommend it more highly. Click HERE to check out their Facebook page.

So if you are in the Southampton area and you are in need of a gorgeous glow then pop in and see for yourself just how amazing the studio is.

I hope you love Sienna just as much as I do! 

Brighten up your Autumn with this must have tan. Let me know how you get on! Lots of love, Kenzie xxx

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Clash of the Tartans

Following on from my previous blogs about what is hot this Autumn, TARTAN is back in a big way! Dominating shops everywhere, this statement pattern always seems to find its place back on to the catwalk.

So you won't just be needing this look at a scottish celebration, with its eye catching design and bold colours, tartan is a must have this season. I've put together a few of my current favourite pieces from various high street shops!

Red check mini tube skirt - New Look (£14.99) Click HERE to view this item.

Red tartan tassalled blanket scarf - River Island (£25.00) Click HERE to view this item.
Blue tartan velvet turtle neck bodycon dress - River Island (£25.00) Click HERE to view this item.

Shiny tartan leggings in red - Urban Outfitters (£28.00) Click HERE to view this item.

I also thought that I would add in one for the boys!! Whether you are a male reading this or a woman looking for your HABs, (husbands and boyfriends,) tartan is also super trendy for men this Autumn/Winter.

Red tartan oxford long sleeve shirt - TOPMAN (£30.00) Click HERE to view this item.

I LOVE this look, it gives any outfit a 'punk' edge and also a very seasonal feel. Lots of love, Kenzie xxx

Monday, 7 October 2013

Foundation Routine

As said by Calvin Klein, 'the best thing is to look natural, but it takes make up to look natural!' And I have to say, I totally agree.

Of course, it is still perfectly acceptable to spend the occasional Sunday lounging in your favourite pjs, sporting a high bun and a bare face whilst catching up on desperate housewives.

But when venturing out of the house, it's nice to look natural and effortlessly pretty! 

So I've put together my foundation routine to form the basis of any look, whether it be natural or a little more dramatic. 

Finding a foundation that suits you and your needs can be a really tricky task.

I have always had major trouble finding skin care products that don't aggregate my sensitive skin but my current routine leaves me with perfect coverage and no reactions!

After moisturising, the first thing that you should do before applying any make up is to use a primer! 

This will help towards a long lasting flawless finish and should provide a softer surface for the foundation to be applied. I use MAC's Prep and Prime. (£20.50) Apply an even coat to the whole face to see a noticeably smoother finish.

The second step is to apply your foundation! To begin, I always warm the foundation by placing it on to the back of my hand. This thins it slightly to make sure that it doesn't 'cake' on your face.

To ensure optimum results, I always use a foundation brush! I use the MAC 190 brush to promise even distribution.

Start in the centre of the face and begin blending in an outward direction.

Be sure to blend everywhere including the areas that are more difficult to get to such as the corners of your nose and your hairline. I use the angled edge of the brush to sweep across these awkward regions. 

I use Estée Lauder's Double Wear Light foundation. (£28.50) I really couldn't recommend this product more highly! It is a comfortable light weight make up that stays on for 15 hours. However, being an active girl, the biggest benefit I have discovered is its resistance to smudging!

Even after a tough workout, I can personally assure you that you will look just as gorgeous leaving the gym as you did when entering!

Next I use Yves Saint Laurent's radiant touch. (£25.00) I apply this luminizing pen underneath my lower lash line to avoid tired looking eyes and underneath my brow to highlight the eye area.

Add a concealer to any blemishes on the face with a MAC 195 concealer brush.

To complete this beautiful look, apply Estée Lauder's double wear loose powder to the face. This will create further coverage and a stunning semi-matte finish. (£28.50)

If you are looking to apply a girly blush then please visit my 'Wedding Make Up' blog from September for more details! 

I really hope that this look works for you! Lots of love, Kenzie xxx

Sunday, 6 October 2013

The Low Heel

Much to the relief of just about every woman out there, gone are the days of sky high stilettos, as this seasons hottest trend is all about the low heel.

This super chic new look has caused much controversy amongst the fashion world, being continuously labelled 'granny shoes,' these kitten heels have a lot to prove.

Numerous people don't seem to like the 'awkward' compromise between flats and heels but personally, I LOVE them!

Now don't get me wrong, coming in at just over 5ft 4 I could really use the extra height, but these little heels provide a versatile look for any occasion. And for once in fashion history, they are, dare I say it, practical.

I'm sure we all have that beloved pair of shoes that reach dizzying heights but I think its time that we gave our poor little feet a well deserved rest this Autumn.

It also seems that the sexy footwear has taken the celeb world by storm, with some of our favourite A listers stepping out in these stylish new shoes. Kimmy K looked so amazing sporting this look whilst pregnant during the Summer. (You can always count on her to be ahead of the trends!)

Here's a gorgeous pair I found from Zara. Click HERE to view! (£29.99) These two-toned ankle strap shoes are bang on trend with their bold colours and low heel!

Whether you love them or hate them, they've certainly got the fashion industry talking about them! So why not be daring and try a pair? Lots of love, Kenzie xxx

Saturday, 5 October 2013

Hemp Foot Protector

Dry feet can be extremely uncomfortable for sufferers and can worsen even more during Winter months.

This is most common in people who do not moisturise their feet religiously!

Oil glands are present all over the body with exception to the skin on the palm of our hands and our feet.

Sebaceous glands secrete an oil that is responsible for protecting skin and hair. However, due to the absence of these glands in our feet, they depend solely on sweat glands to keep them moisturised.

This is why a regular moisturising routine can greatly reduce the likelihood of dry skin forming.

I sincerely advise that you purchase the Body Shop's 'Hemp Foot Protector.' (£10.00) It works absolute wonders for my feet! Click HERE to view this product.

This best seller is dermatologically tested and promises to restore the skin's moisture barrier, leaving your skin feeling soft and smooth. I apply this cream everyday after bathing.

Prior to administering this cream, use a foot file to remove hard skin from the problematic areas. Although, I suggest that you wait for any traumas or open cuts to heal before beginning this treatment.

The Body Shop sells an amazing 'file a foot' with a double sided file for gentle and firm exfoliation. (£5.00) Click HERE to view this product.

My top tip! If you haven't yet got yourself some Hemp foot lotion, then here is a home remedy to help eliminate dry skin on those little tootsies of yours.

Fill a foot bath, (a clean washing up bowl will also do perfectly,) with warm water and add lemon juice. As lemon juice is mildly acidic it will encourage the dead skin cells on the bottom of your feet to dissolve.

This process can be repeated 2-3 times a week to decrease the extent of the skins condition.

I can't wait to hear how you get on! Lots of love, Kenzie xxx

Thursday, 3 October 2013

ReBOOT Your Shoe Collection

If like me, you are forever telling yourself that there is always room for one more pair, then you are undoubtedly a shoeaholic.

According to the urban dictionary this can be defined as 'One who covets shoes and who owns more than they can wear in....ever.' Sound familiar?

This certainly doesn't bode well for me! Having just embarked on my journey as a university student, I am beginning to appreciate how arduous  managing money can truly be. Although I believe that it is okay to have the odd investment piece in your wardrobe, I also think that its important to realise that 'more expensive' doesn't necessarily mean 'better quality.'

Following on from my Autumn style guide, I have been searching for the perfect pair of warm boots to see us through these arctic months without doing too much damage to our bank accounts.

After all, in the words of Marilyn Monroe, 'Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world!'

Well ladies, the search is over! So its time to ditch the flip flops and reBOOT our shoe collection. Quite literally.

Brought to you by Chockers Shoes, these concealed platform ankle boots would look strikingly beautiful teamed with a simplistic ensemble of a cute shirt and skinny jeans.

The leather look gives them an extremely up-market feel which is highly deceiving when considering the inexpensive price tag. (£35.00)

I have ordered from Chockers Shoes on several occasions and I am yet to be disappointed. Their high quality designs are impossible to fault and will leave you feeling like a glam queen in no time!

Click HERE to view these amazing Winter boots!

Lots of love, Kenzie xxx

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Bodylicious Body Butter

I'm sure I speak on behalf of every woman when I say that I find moisturising a hugely monotonous task.

Despite this, it is a vital requirement to help keep your skin in great condition!

Not only does an everyday moisturising routine help to restore the natural oils in your skin but it also leaves you feeling fresh and revitalised.

The best time to moisturise is immediately after you bathe which for most people is daily.

However, this may be increased during these upcoming Winter months when your skin is at risk of becoming dryer.

I highly suggest that you use the Body Shop body butters to hydrate your skin!

These gorgeous body care items come in various fruity and exotic scents and leaves your skin feeling soft and irresistibly smooth.

They are also great for very dry skin and provide long lasting hydration of up to 24 hours.

I have experimented with the majority of the body butters from this beautiful range, however I particularly recommend the coconut, mango and shea scented creams as I have found these aroma's are exceptionally fragrant and leaves my skin looking radiant and well nourished.
Coconut Body Butter
Mango Body Butter
Shea Body Butter

Could these products be any more amazing? They certainly can! Click HERE for 50% off on these fantabulous body butters when you enter the code BUTTER at the check out.

This sumptuous butter appeals to all generations and would make a perfect gift for any occasion or even if you're just treating yourself! Lots of love, Kenzie xxx