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Monday, 4 November 2013

Nair Hair Removal Cream

One thing all women agonise over, is hair removal. Its almost overwhelming how many options are available to us, but finding the right one for you can be some what tricky.

Today I am focusing specifically about hair removal on the legs. Having experienced all methods myself, I have concluded that my preferred approach is using a hair removal cream.

Veet is great and works really efficiently, however, in my opinion, it can be a little costly. So now I always opt for Nair!

I first stumbled across their products whilst desperately searching the shelves for the only brand I had ever used for hair removal, Veet. I was preparing for a party and couldn't believe I'd ran out. After unsuccessful searching, I spotted the Nair cream and decided to try it. Its completely fab!

The cream works between five and six minutes but can be left on for a maximum of ten minutes if you have slightly darker or thicker hairs. It leaves my legs feeling incredibly soft and lasts for anything up to a week! As well as this, unlike shaving you avoid 'prickley' hairs growing.

Like most beauty items there are a couple of minor disadvantages, the smell of the cream is not particularly fragrant but it is quickly eradicated after washing it off. Also the tube will only last for two/three applications. However, I have found that this is much like any other hair removal product as a large amount of cream is required to cover both of the legs.

Taking everything in to consideration, this method of removing hair is quick, easy and has extremely long lasting results.

Whilst removing the cream I recommend investing in a small sponge to ease the cream and hairs away with. I also think that this provides a more flawless finish!

In most super markets, Nair hair removal cream is only £1.10 per 100ml as appose to paying £4.50 per 100ml for Veet!

Let me know what form of hair removal suites you best! Lots of love, Kenzie xxx

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