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Sunday, 16 March 2014

Eyelash Extensions Review

Like most girls, I feel totally naked without mascara on. I have always had long lashes and it is for this reason that I've never considered extensions or even falsies. However, recently after a friend urged me to give them a go I decided... why the hell not?!

I was extremely apprehensive to say the least. I'd heard an array of negative comments regarding eyelash extensions and was unsure how I would take to them. But after trying them for myself I can confirm that they are completely and utterly fabulous.

I had mine done by the extremely lovely Michelle Hausen (Lashes to Lashes.) The process was quick, (just over an hour) and actually very relaxing as it mostly involved me lying down on a treatment bed with my eyes closed.

Here is a shot of me with the lashes!

Surprisingly they did not feel heavy as I had initially suspected, nor where they irritating in anyway. In fact, it was quite the opposite, I was completely unaware of them. For the first few hours after having them done, I found myself accidentally wiping my eyes, which quickly reminded me of their presence but you soon know not to touch them.

The following night, I did my make up and I couldn't believe how much time it saved me. I didn't need any eyeliner and I definitely didn't need any mascara, apart from on my bottom lashes.

The next morning, as I was frantically getting ready for my 9AM lecture, I realised that I really didn't need to put any make up on. The lashes looked fab and I didn't have to do a thing!

I would 100% recommend these to anyone, particularly if you have a big occasion coming up. So go ahead and treat yourself!

Lots of love, Kenzie xxx

1 comment:

  1. I love having eyelash extensions as a treat. They really save sooo much time and they look amazing! Mascara has to be the one item of make-up I HAVE to wear, so having these is so convenient!! You look lovely xx

    Hannah @ FashionistaDigital
